Customized fitness training that’s fun, fulfilling and purposeful
What if you found a fitness approach that was customized to fit YOU and it felt like ENOUGH!?

Are you someone who is looking for an extra edge of confidence in your life and know that fitness can help you achieve it?
If you’re like my clients, you’re probably dealing with a demanding life, and perhaps a few personal changes too, and want to feel strong physically and emotionally.
But with ALL of the “fast fitness tips” and options out there, you’re struggling to know what will work best for you.
Life changes and our bodies change with that! It is completely normal to feel like it’s time to adjust your movement as your life adjusts.
But where do you even begin? Who to hire? What to try?
And how can you make sure what you choose works for your unique body and life — AND won’t injure you too?

Fitness confusion is the ‘norm’
(but it doesn’t have to be!)
The fitness industry is SATURATED with different programs to “solve” every problem under the sun — but here’s the thing:
You and your body, are NOT a problem to be solved. You are a gorgeous, divine being the way that you are.
You don’t need to hammer away for hours a day until you’re lying in a sweat pool to feel successful in your workout.
You don’t need to constantly be concerned with counting calories and feeling restricted.
So much of our society’s dialogue around fitness is that you’re never enough:
never strong enough, lean enough, fit enough, fast enough.
But, just imagine:
That you went into your day knowing that you had a fitness plan that was tailored to work well for your body, and that you weren’t going to leave it feeling beat up.
You felt confident choosing foods that were nourishing to yourself, and not always second guessing and feeling guilt over the choices that you made.
You started feeling stronger and you entered into your work place and relationships standing up a little bit taller, not being afraid to take up space.
Hi! My name is Marnie,
and I’ve been a Certified Personal Trainer for over 12 years.
I have my masters degree in public health, specifying in health promotion and prevention, and I am passionate about helping people discover how fitness can be used as a tool towards helping them move better and participate in life more fully.
I have seen firsthand, how increasing your overall mobility and strength carries over into all other aspects of your life.
I have worked with clients recovering from injuries and moving better than before the injury occurred.
I have seen clients start to feel more confident in their bodies and value themselves more, resulting in asking for promotion s in their work spaces.
I have also worked with people who have gained courage to either begin a new relationship or end a toxic one!
And I’ve worked with clients with careers that require a mental and physical edge-and get it!
I also know that life sometimes gives you lemons 🍋 and fitness must adapt.
I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 2018, and as an avid fitness enthusiast, that rocked my world.
I wasn’t able to stabilize my shoulder and could lift about 10% of what I could prior. I had to reassess and reevaluate what my actual goals were, what success looked like for me, and what my health priorities were. I have taken that experience and coached many clients to overcome fear and move better from a multitude of different mobility and orthopedic issues.
Life can be overwhelming and scary at times when things are thrown our way that we weren’t expecting. The COURAGE to look at that fear and say “I see you, but I am going to keep on going” is strength in and of itself.
I dig deep and use my Exercise Science knowledge to create movement patterns that will work best for your body and mind to continue to be the best version of you.